General Maintanance Tips

Thank you for choosing CocoaTown. We appreciate your trust, and we look forward to being part of many more sweet moments to come,

Here are a few useful tips for a long "life" of your machines and units :

Regular Inspection:

Conduct regular visual inspections of your CocoaTown machines. Look for any signs of wear, loose components, or unusual noises during operation.

Think Ahead – Anticipate Needs: Anticipate potential maintenance needs by considering the usage patterns and workload of your machine. Factor in busy seasons or periods of increased demand.

Stock Up on Essential Parts:

Identify critical components that may require replacement over time. Keep a stock of essential spare parts on hand. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and ensures you're well-prepared for any unexpected issues. To help you, we have also come up with maintenance kits with wear & tear parts for different machines.

Create a Spare Parts Inventory:

Establish a spare parts inventory that includes commonly used components.

Create a machine overview card:

Documentation is Key! Maintain detailed records of past maintenance activities, replacements, and any issues encountered. This documentation can help in predicting future maintenance needs and be a valuable resource if a technical issue arises and you need to work with our support team to help resolve the issue.

Train Your Team:

If you have a maintenance team, ensure they are well-trained in the regular care and upkeep of the machine. This includes identifying early signs of wear and addressing issues promptly.

Emergency Preparedness:

Have a contingency plan in place for unexpected breakdowns. Ensure your team knows the steps to take in case of an emergency and has access to necessary spare parts.Remember with proper care, use and maintenance these emergencies will be few and far between. 

Contact CocoaTown for Guidance:

If in doubt or if you need assistance in planning for maintenance, don't hesitate to reach out to CocoaTown's support team. They can provide guidance on spare parts, maintenance schedules, and best practices.

Important information for us:

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance. We're here to support you in maintaining the heart of your cocoa processing operations. In order to better assess the situation, please send us details of the machine type, machine number and details of what happened where and when. If possible, please also send photos and/or videos to give us a better overview of the situation.

When you want technical support and are sending photos or videos to your CocoaTown support team be sure to well document the situation.

Think about lighting, sound and subject matter. A clear picture or well shot video will save time in diagnosing the situation and allow us to move quickly into offering a solution 


Webinar with many information on handling the parts for our melangeurs,

specifically the SLTA and the ALPHA 12 (formerly ECGC-12-SQSS)

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