Pioneering Craft Chocolate Technology
(Please use the slider and click on the button to go to the corresponding detailed page)
1,7 kg
10 kg
Cocoabean-crusher with manual drive
Up to 14 kg/h
Cocoabean crusher
Up to 28 kg
NEW! Winnower Deluxe with integrated Cracker!
Upt to 20 kg/h
Winnower with manual metering
Appr. 9-14 kg/h
Winnower with motorized metering
Appr. 18-23 kg/h
Commercial Winnower with integrated Cracker
Up to 100 kg/h
Melangeur for beginners or hobby chocolatiers - 5 kg
Professional melanger table-top
5 kg
Melanger / Grinder table top
11 kg
Professional Grinder
23 kg
45 kg
90 kg
Automatic tempering machine
6 kg
For pre-grinding beans, sugar etc.
Analyse your raw beans - Look inside
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