Table-top automatic tempering


Aura offers the advantages of FBM's larger, continuous tempering technology in a tabletop machine with a 4 kg tank volume for small-scale applications or for tempering homemade chocolate and casting it into blocks. The continuous tempering cycle in Aura is controlled by a customized programmed CPU that automatically monitors and adjusts heating and cooling within a very narrow range based on the set melting and tempering points. The working tank is heated by thermoelectric induction and the tempering tube is cooled directly by the cooling gas, enabling fast response times, precise control and reduced energy consumption. The screw in the tempering tube of the Aura automatically reverses to empty it, reducing the time needed to restart the tempering cycle or change chocolate. There is an optional upgrade to the tempering tube assembly that allows the tempering screw pump to be removed to allow more thorough cleaning of the machine when changing chocolate. Standard equipped with: vibrating table night cycle. You can also place the Aura-4 on a mobile warming cabinet. This way, you always have pre-melted chocolate available at the bottom.


  • 4 kg tank
  • tabletop machine
  • can also be used on a heating cabinet (melting chocolate at the top, tempering and pouring at the bottom)
  • Perfect for hotels, restaurants, chocolate shops
  • and also for caterers. The Aura-4 can easily be transported in the trunk of a car
  • Also ideal for use in laboratories
  • Incl. dosing function for filling molds
  • Incl. vibrating table to remove air bubbles
  • Incl. reverse function for the screw conveyor
  • Night cycle
  • Automatic machine shutdown
  • Optional removal of screw conveyor for even better cleaning


  • Tank: 4 kg
  • Produktivität: Ca. 10 kg/h
  • Temperierart: Automatische Zirkulationstemperierung
  • Steuerung: CPU mit Bedienpanel
  • Art der Pumpe: Förderschnecke
  • Inkl. Rütteltisch
  • Inkl. Fußschalter
  • Abmessung (BxTxH): Ca. 640 x 390 x 665 mm
  • Gewicht leer: ca. 70 kg
  • Strom: 380 V (optional 230 V)
  • Verbrauch Spitze: ca. 1,1 kW


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